Back me up
I got Kaj to wear his Thomas the Train underpants finally. For a while there, all I'd get when I'd ask if he wanted to wear them was a "No fank you, I don't yike underpants" But when he put them on, he said he looked cool. Yeah, it's cool til you're about six, then it's suddenly creepy. Especially if your still sporting the Thomas skivs. Neither here nor there. The good news: he did #s 1 and 2 in the potty and we did the happy dance and he got a small bowl of marshmallows which are now a more compelling reward than chocolate. Hmmm. Not for me it wouldn't be. YUCK.
Speaking of yuck, i'm no longer in the sick mode of pregnancy and I'm not so tired. Now I've got some back trouble which I have been unsuccessful at alleviating. It's low back pain that shoots a searing poker into my right bun, to put it not-so-delicately. It can be bearable and then all of a sudden I won't be able to get off the floor. The first time this happened we were still in California and I was on the floor on all fours laughing hysterically. I was laughing because I never knew how back pain could paralyze a person. This was not me! I was laughing because this is supposed to happen to people who are OLD and I'm not old!!!!!!!
Last night I decided that the reason I was having this back problem is because I am LAZY, which is not really the case, but i decided that exercise was going to work. So I did 30 min. on the bike and stretched my hamstrings and back for about a half hour. Let me tell you: I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad spasms whenever I tried to move even one leg. This is getting ridiculous! Am I supposed to just lay around? This is new territory for me. If anyone has any ideas please give them to me because this has to stop.
I seem to remember someone laughing at me when I too was laughing hysterically at my dibilitating back pain.
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