Friday, January 13, 2006


Eric just conducted joint-compound surgery on the bedroom walls in preparation for painting tomorrow. YAHOO. Today I was charged with purchasing the paint supplies and "something a little more substantial than spackle or dry wall tape" to fix the fault-like crack that starts at our ceiling, and does a right turn four feet down the wall. Thank the previous owners who among other genius moves, decided that proper structural engineering wasn't their bag, baby, and didn't bother to have proper floor joists connected when they "remodeled the bathroom" (if you can call pink marble floors and plastic shower doors remodeling), which caused the bathroom floor to slope and the wall to crack.

While at the neighborhood hardware store, I was also supposed to pick up a drain trap. I still am not sure what that means but basically it's the pipes you see that come out of the bottom of the sink and connect to the wall. Eric was like, "tell them you need a piece that comes out of the sink pipe and curves..." and I turn the corner and there's like fifty things that meet the criteria hanging on the wall. Some are threaded, some are not. Some have little end caps, some don't. Eric begins using the tone with me. He starts getting frustrated, but he knows if he gets obviously irritated, I'll bolt and abort the mission. So I hand the phone to a couple of sales people. The first sales person is like "dude, I really don't know". Score one for me, don't you think? Guy #1 who works at the store can't figure out what parts to get, surely I get a pass, right? Luckily the second one discussed the possibilities at length with Eric and they settled on a solution. I bought them, took it home and when the plumber arrived, he had one too. I'm still amazed he even showed up so I don't even care about the drain pipe issue.

They stayed til 8pm tonite fixing the plumbing and replacing drywall. On a friday nite.


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